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Newsletter 2018 Archery Association Europe


Dear members,

A little late, but this is our newsletter for 2018

As always, we start with the tournaments.



National tournaments 2018


AAE Indoor Championship, 03. + 04.02.2018 Mühlhausen / Thuringia


As in 2017, we were well staffed in the 2018 sports year with 122 shooters. As always, the event was successfully completed in cooperation with the Speebowhunters. We are looking forward to this year's Indoor Championship which will take place on 16. + 17.02.2019 at the Sporthotel in Mühlhausen. There are already 125 starters registered, we still have some places left.


As in the previous year. We call on our members to assist, during the assembly and dismantling from Friday afternoon, the 15.02.2019 to take part. Please contact us under tournament



AAE Field Championship 18. + 19.08.2018 Hornburg


Hornburg in Lower Saxony was the venue for our 2018 Field and 43 shooters could enjoy two demanding tournament days in the best weather. Stefan Willecke had provided his property and built two great courses that had it all in itself. We would like to thank again Stefan, his wife and all the helpers who made this tournament possible for us. We will gladly come again.



AAE Bowhunter Championship


 In the run-up to the EBHC in Oberwiesenthal, unfortunately, we did not find the time to put in a tournament because many of our members were involved in the planning and support of this event. So, there was only one left appointment afterwards possible, but we had to cancel because of the low participation.


But this year we will be performing our Bowhunter on 01. + 02.06.2019 at the Silbersee in Frielendorf, near Homberg-Efze, Hessen. On the first day, we will be part of this tournament as part of the Bowhunterleague to support the DFBV in its difficult situation.



International tournaments 2018


EIAC Hungary


Seventeen shooters of the AAE, including our Russian Chapter, set out for Budapest to attend the IFAA European Indoor Championships. It was a big event, although it was already obvious that this involved organizational difficulties. Nevertheless, it was fun for everyone, both athletically and collectively.


Here are our successful shooters


Gold, European Champion

Phillip Sutherland     AMFSC

Udo Schriefers          AMBL


Silver, Vice Champion

Dr. Ute von Schilling  AFFSR

Maiia Dushina             AFFU

Victor Safroshin          AMHB

Jutta Suldner                VFFSR



Elizaveta Evstratova     JFBBR

Maik Essling                  AMTR


We congratulate our successful shooters.



EBHC Germany, Oberwiesenthal


The biggest, but certainly also the last Bowhunter European Championship, which has been designed in this size. 12 courses were planned and built almost exclusively by our members and as support for the DFBV. But one recognized that the associated organizational problems show limits. Planned for about 2,500 shooters, there were only over 1,800 shooters after the competition. This has left deep and painful wounds. Nevertheless, with over 140 participants, the AAE was the second strongest representative association, according to the DFBV.


And they were successful too:


Gold, European Champion

Jozsef Csikos             PMFU

Klaus Jopke                VMTR

Martin Tweraser       AMHB

Leif Adrian Dreßler   YAMBU

Hannes Hecht            YAMBB-R


Silver, Vice Champion

Rebecca Albert            AFTR

Manfred Sachse          AMFS-R

Daniel Schönstedt      AMTR

Peter Fischer               VMBU

Uwe Kruse                    VMLB

Style Team TR: Klaus Jopke, Daniel Schönstedt, Maik Essling



Kirstin Gissemann        AFFU

Holger Wilhelm             VMFS-R


Again, congratulations to all medal winners


Special thanks go to our course builders from EBHC:

Tino Rüger, Sylke Rüger, Pascal Rüger, Patrick Schumacher, Karsten Cremmling, Steffi Voigt, Frank Kleinhanns, Reiner Ackermann, Arnold Fawier, Bernd Hollnagel, Jürgen Bader, Peter Fischer, Michael Sachse, Thomas Schuhmann.

The best team ever.



WIAC South Africa, Potchefstroom


A fantastic championship was experienced by our 12 archers in South Africa. Great cordiality, good organization and great courses took place at the Field World Championships in Potschefstroom. But exhausting are five days in heat and relentless sun. Nevertheless, we were also successful here.


Gold World Champion

Daniela Kleesmann  AFFSR

Volker Kindermann  AMFSR

Style Team FSR: Daniela Kleesmann, Dr. Ute von Schilling, Volker Kindermann


Silver, Vice Champion

Kati Witschaß             VFBHR

Michael Witschaß      VMTR

Udo Schriefers           AMBL



Dr. Ute von Schilling  AFFSR


Congratulations to all winners



Let's get to the administrative stuff


General Meeting 16. February 2019, 16.30 h, Sporthotel Mühlhausen


We invite all members to this year's Annual General Meeting. You will find the invitation in the introduction to this newsletter. The President and Treasurer elections are pending. In addition, we want to bring our statute up to scratch. The intended changes are intended to catapult the statute into the 21st century.




The cooperation with the NFAA is still difficult, because nobody feels responsible and what we wanted to conclude in 2018, unfortunately we did not succeed. But we continue to work on it, at some point we will succeed.


Tournaments 2019


As already mentioned, we will be held in Mühlhausen on the 16. + 17.02.2019, the Bowhunters on 01. + 02.06.2019 at the Silbersee in Frielendorf, only for the Field the planning is not finished yet. But it will probably take place in July, ahead of EFAC in the Netherlands


... and last but not least, DFBV


(personal opinion of the president)

The DFBV has taken on the direction of the two consecutive European Championships EFAC 2017 and EBHC 2018. There are also internal problems and mistakes that one has committed. It may be as it pleases, and you can rant and yell as you like, but no one in human history has ever succeeded in changing the past. What is done, is done. Surely you can stop it, who has all the blame, what you want to do with these people everything, claims for damages, criminal charges, etc. But honestly, so far is one

the members personally come to material damage? I do not think so. Does blame help shape the future? I do not think so. Would anyone other than the current board pull the cart out of the mud? I do not think so either.

The processing of the existing situation is very complicated and expensive. Many complain about a lack of information. But let's be honest, no matter what happens on the part of the board, it's all wrong anyway. At least in the eyes of the lead opportunists. I miss the feeling of solidarity of almost 4,000 members. The questions, "Where can we help?", "What can we do?", Stay off track. Many clubs have participated for years, bought subsidized animals gladly (some to sell them back on the Internet profitably) and now the support remains? I wonder, for whom are the volunteers struggling? For people who want to stab their knives in the back at the earliest opportunity? Is that the purpose of volunteering?

We, the AAE, will in any case support the DFBV to the best of our abilities and in terms of archery, opening our Bowhunter and Field Bow league tournaments. We will use our contacts to convince and ask for help.



So, that was it for the sports year 2018.


We wish you all a healthy and successful year 2019 ....

and be welcome in the


                           Family of Archers


Chemnitz, Berlin in January 2019

Udo Schriefers

President Archery Association Europe &

Board of Directors





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